Do you have more information on Canadamark diamond certification and inscription?

What is Canadamark certification and inscription?

Canadamark certification and inscription is a service provided to confirm the authenticity of a diamond as a natural stone that has been responsibly mined in Canada. This process includes certifying the diamond’s origins and grading its quality, along with inscribing a unique serial number on the diamond’s girdle.

How does the Canadamark certification and inscription process work?

After you purchase your diamond, you can choose to have it certified and inscribed by Canadamark. The diamond is sent to a laboratory where it will be graded, certified, and then inscribed with a unique identifier that confirms its Canadian origin.

How long does it take to get my diamond Canadamark certified and inscribed?

Please allow for an additional 3 working days to your diamond’s delivery time to accommodate the certification and inscription process.

How much does the Canadamark certification and inscription cost?

The cost for the Canadamark certification and inscription varies based on the size of your diamond:

  • 0.01 – 0.09ct – $2
  • 0.10 – 0.19ct – $3
  • 0.20 – 0.30ct – $5
  • 0.31 – 0.49ct – $7
  • 0.50 – 0.69ct – $15
  • 0.70 – 0.99ct – $23
  • 1.00 – 1.49ct – $36
  • 1.50ct and above – $75

Is the cost of certification and inscription included in the price of my diamond?

No, the cost of Canadamark certification and inscription is not included in the price of the diamond. It is an additional service that you can opt for during the purchase process.

Is the Canadamark certification and inscription visible to the naked eye?

The Canadamark inscription is a microscopic laser engraving that is not visible to the naked eye but can be viewed under magnification. It does not affect the diamond’s appearance or brilliance.

Can any diamond be Canadamark certified and inscribed?

No, only diamonds that have been responsibly mined in Canada are eligible for Canadamark certification and inscription.

Why should I get my diamond Canadamark certified and inscribed?

By getting your diamond Canadamark certified and inscribed, you confirm its authenticity as a Canadian diamond and its compliance with ethical and responsible mining practices. You also receive a grading report that includes detailed information about your diamond’s cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.

How can I verify my Canadamark certification and inscription?

Each Canadamark diamond comes with a certificate of authenticity and an individual serial number. You can use this number to verify your diamond’s authenticity on the official Canadamark website.

If you have any further questions about Canadamark certification and inscription, feel free to contact our Customer Service Team.